NEW REPORT: House Budget Committee Releases Report Outlining Urgent Need for Bipartisan Action to Prevent Devastating SPAYGO Sequestration Cuts

Washington, D.C. — Today the House Budget Committee released a new report outlining the urgent need for bipartisan action to protect Medicare, farm supports, social services, and other vital programs from devastating statutory PAYGO sequestration cuts.

With the release of the report, House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (KY-03) released the following statement:

“Since the inception of SPAYGO, Congress has come together repeatedly on a bipartisan basis to protect vital programs Americans rely on from painful sequestration cuts — and this time should be no different.”

“Democrats are committed to preventing sequestration and exploring all options to protect these vital programs from senseless cuts. Even in the wake of contentious legislative battles like the 2017 GOP Tax Scam, we put the well-being of the American people first and joined Republicans to prevent sequestration. It’s time for Republicans to step up and do the same,” Yarmuth concluded.

In addition to highlighting the urgent need for action, the report also outlines every previous vote — under both Democratic and Republican majorities — to avert SPAYGO sequestration.

The full text of the report is below, and a PDF can be found here.




House Budget Committee Democrats

Fighting for budget priorities that reflect the values of families across the country.